

All products formulated will be organic, all-natural, environmentally sustainable, and processed and packaged in compliance with Global Food Safety Initiative (“GFSI standards”).

Products currently available and/or in research and development include:


Nutraceuticals are an acceptable method of administration for patients who might feel uncomfortable with vaporization. Not only are they a great source of medicine, they are easy to dose & provide essential nutrients


Medical Marijuana Flower is a well-known method of administration that delivers instant relief to patients, is fairly easy to regulate dosage, is inexpensive, minimally processed with multiple strain options


Our edibles will contain only natural ingredients synergistic with cannabinoids such as lavender, mint, honey, clove and eucalyptus. Edibles are a great alternative to patients who cannot inhale flower & need consistent dosing


Marijuana infused topicals are absorbed through the skin for localized relief of pain, soreness, & inflammation. Because topicals are non-psychoactive, they are often chosen by patients who want therapeutic benefits


Tinctures are one of the oldest methods of consuming marijuana and are still popular among patients, especially those who need to take regular doses of medical marijuana throughout the day


Concentrates are similar in cannabinoid & terpene potencies & provide patients with immediate relief from qualified conditions. Concentrates can be easily administered using a number of vaporization devices.